Our soulmates at Metal Injection caught wind of these audition videos that former Decapitated drummer Kerim “Krimh” Lechner posted in the hopes of catching the obscured eyes of Slipknot, now that Joey Jordinson has left his ventilated metal drum chamber.
It should be noted that Slipknot aren’t actually looking for drummers, but if and when they do it’ll have to be without the benefit of peripheral vision, so Lechner is smart to get out there early, and loudly.
Mask jokes aside, here’s what you came here for: the drummer from one killer metal band blasting through another band’s songs, which Lechner certainly does. Oh, and nice distance between the cymbals and toms you have there, Krimh. Recording engineers must love it when he sets up, with all that ample space for microphones. You could drive a hydrofoil through there.
p.s. Once on tour I slept at the house of one of Slipknot’s roadies. I forget his name, but he had wood floors. True story.
tromm / January 3, 2014 10:43 am
I wasn’t sure if a death metal drummer would fit Slipknot, but now I’m convinced he is more than apt to play their shit. I’d love him to introduce more blastbeats to ‘Knot’s music. Epic drumplay, goddamnit.
Tal Fineman / January 3, 2014 12:07 pm
Especially if they go back to the heavier sound of some of the older stuff like they’ve said they might…
tromm / January 3, 2014 12:13 pm
Maybe some fresh blood is just what they need.