Conquering Dystopia’s website has a guestbook. Screw the seemingly limitless chops of this supergroup, their throwback homepage is what blew me away. I’m surprised they’re not part of a techy metal web ring as well. Or maybe they can’t be, since they already snatched up all the best players in the scene.
Obviously you know the band’s two “frontmen,” if you can call dualing lead guitarists that and I’d wager you can. You’re most likely also aware of bassist Alex Webster from his work in Cannibal Corpse/Blotted Science/Hate Eternal/etc. But drummer Alex Rudinger is a relative newcomer to the scene. And holy shit this dude can play. I mean, you probably guessed that since The Faceless tapped him to be their new skinsman last year, but I hadn’t seen a clip of him in action yet. Damn.
Conquering Dystopia’s debut album is out now, and for sale on the band’s website.