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Guitarist Sean Swafford demonstrates some
Learn how to play a
It's a good thing.
It's the worst kind of
Bloodwine for the bloodwine god!
What a strange time.
Catch a Go Pro view
Can they do it live?
New project featuring Baptists/ISIS/Russian Circles
May the 8 be with
Really A-lust(rium)-ing to hear more
Don't be stupid-er, get a
It's a comin' up!
One of the most controversial
Danny Morris blasts through the
Dial in tones tones tones
Mids are my secret weapon
A monumental lesson
In Vintage Sunburst, Blueburst and Silverburst finishes.
For all your speed needs.
It's time for a 7-string.
Yes, it's heavy.
TINA stands for Telemetric Inductive Nodal Actuator, by the way.
Absolutely brutal.
It's partially to annoy metal fans.
It's oddly fusion-ey.
For all your hot single-coil needs.
No more Charvel, Joe?
Featuring The Omnific.
Originally released in 2017 and 2020.
On a baritone guitar.
Blinding color AND blinding shred.
Featuring Jongha Jeong of Fecundation.
It's very green.