In case you weren’t aware, November is METAL MONTH ’round these parts, and what better way to kick things off than to go back to the roots of it all and dive into some classic heavy metal! That’s why our good friends at Toontrack have released the new Heavy Metal MIDI pack — the eighty-fifth individual drum MIDI pack from the company, inspired by greats such as Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and Saxon.
The MIDI pack features:
- Drum grooves and fills inspired by traditional heavy metal bands such as Judas Priest, Manowar, Saxon, Iron Maiden and more
- Performed by professional drummer
- Approx. 450 individually played files
- 4/4 in straight and/or swing feel
- Song structure categorization (intro, verse, chorus, bridge, fills, etc.)
You can learn more about Heavy Metal MIDI on the Toontrack website here.
In case you haven’t entered out DRUMCEPTION 2019 CHALLENGE, in which you can win some massive prizes from Toontrack and Orange Amps, you can enter for free here!