There are lots of different people in this world, where some are perfectly capable of getting into the zone simply by clearing their head and thinking about the task in hand, there are others who need a good track to really put them in the mood to accomplish their task. For these people, there is nothing more uplifting than sticking on some headphones, picking the right song or album and turning it all the way up, after that, the world better step aside or get ran over. Does this sound like you? If so, here is a list of some of the best songs and albums you can listen to that will get you in the zone.
Pink Floyd – The Dark Side of The Moon
Famous to many because of its iconic cover art, The Dark Side of The Moon is also one of the all-time best albums to do some work to. Sure, on the surface it is a relaxing album, but that’s what makes it so good. If you are putting in effort into doing some work then something incredibly up beat might be a bit too much when it comes to the task at hand. As such, if you have something a bit more laid back such as dark side of the moon, you will find yourself more equipped to concentrate.
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My Shot – Lin Manuel Miranda
If you haven’t seen Hamilton, you should. My Shot is the track that gets the cast in the mood for revolution. If it is enough to do that then you can bet it is enough for you to get geared up for a run. It will put you in the mood whenever you are dealing with a hard issue at work as it can be a constant reminder that you should keep fighting and good things come to you if you persevere and give things your all. The repetition of, “I am not throwing away my shot!” is enough to get anybody motivated.
Tycho – Awake
Tycho is a San Francisco-based musician and also a designer. He is renowned for his fantastic creation of lush and instrumental music, which is likely embedded in his designer roots. If you cannot hear lyrics while you are trying to work, then the ambient and atmospheric soundscapes of Tycho are a great compromise. It will be enough to transport you to another world, a world filled with productivity, motivation and an inability to be stopped.
People get in the zone in different ways, but if you are the kind of person who needs a good bit of music to really get you ready to work, there is nothing better than one of the above songs.