Fender recently unveiled their new Hello Kitty collaborative line of products and yeah sure, it’s got a guitar and some shirts and stuff. Everyone likes that, right? But the real winner here is the Hello Kitty Fuzz pedal. It’s pink as hell, it sounds pretty heavy, and I desperately want someone to make some ridiculously heavy music with it.
I mean seriously, I’m gonna need a video of someone explaining to show post-show punisher that their Windhand-esque tone that just ripped everyone’s head apart wasn’t a Pro Co Rat – it was actually that adorable pink pedal there. Hello Kitty isn’t fucking around. Hello Kitty is here to stand over the ashes of your once-living corpse and stare into the distance, wondering where the next bunch of sorry victims is.
Get the Hello Kitty Fuzz pedal here for $99 and go sign with Relapse Records or something. Leave no spine unsnapped, no venue unleveled, and no pedalboard without a splotch of pink… and red.