It’s no secret that I LOVE Revv Amps. I’ve had a Generator 120 MkII for a number of years and love it very dearly, and I also utilize its formidable little siblings the G20 and D20. The Revv lineup of G series pedals is also scorching.
But it seems that you can improve on perfection, and today Revv has announced their MKIII lineup of Generator amp heads.

The Generator MKIII Series features:
● Go Direct with Two notes Torpedo-embedded Stereo XLR Output
● Utilize Virtual Cabs & Mics, Twin Tracker Stereo Doubler, Reverbs, & More
● 4 All-Tube Independent-EQ Multi-Voice Channels Take Your Tone from Clean to Scream
○ 4 Channel Generator 120. Available as 3 Independent EQ Channel 100P & 100R Models
● Updated High Gain Purple & Red Channel Voicings & New Cut Switch
● New Clean Blue Channel Wide Switch & 3 Crunch Green Channel Drive Modes
● Built-in State-of-the-Art Noise Gate & Digital Reverb (Both Fully Bypassable)
● Dual Master Volumes, Presence & Depth Controls, & Power Scaling Down to 10 Watts
● Fully Programmable with MIDI or Included Footswitch. Two notes Editable via Bluetooth
● Manufactured in Canada to Rugged Quality Standards. 5 – 12AX7, 4 – 6L6GC
The heads will be available as the 4-channel 120 model with 4 channels (2 high-gain, 1 clean and 1 crunch) or the 100P (single Purple high-gain channel + clean and crunch) or 100R (single Red high-gain channel + clean and crunch).
The Generator 120 MKIII is $3299 & the 100P & 100R are $2699. They can be pre-purchased
through many fine dealers or directly at www.revvamplification.comstarting November 12 2020.
I’m already standing in line – SIGN ME UP BOYS!