Maybe you’ve been sleeping on Revocation these past few years. It would have been silly of you, but maybe you were doing it. Myself, I was convinced the instant I heard Dave’s Pat Martino-styled licks on “Cretin” off 2011’s Chaos of Forms. There are lots of bands out there right now who like to write metal songs, but there’s something about Revocation that’s different.
They have X-factors.
Some people think they only have one X-factor. But their X-factor is not just Dave’s soloing, but also Phil’s sense of groove, Dan Gargiulo’s twisted ideas about harmony, and Brett Bamberger’s cock. You know, like, the right stuff. The kind of right stuff that leads to style, which in turn bleeds into cool tunes.
So I’m ready for their next batch of tunes, which are headed our way in October via new Metal Blade issuance Deathless. We’re all aboard the hype train, which is in full force, as Metal Blade has posted the first episode of a making-of series. In the first installment, the camera tracks backwards while the band walks towards us and talks about the record. Although the series looks like it will focus less on the nitty-gritty of tracking and mixing like Revocation has done with their in-studio videos in the past, we get a nice bit of insight into the conceptual and creative process behind writing and rehearsing the record, in addition to a taste of a new song. Check it out below:
Revo dropped the title track from the new album last month. It’s a ripper. Rip it below.