Pentakill may very well be the hottest metal band to ever tear it up inside an online video game. The fictional, yet still very real and very excellent band from the League of Legends video game plays to an audience of 100 million, so naturally, they needed the best – and Jorn Lande just happened to be available. Thank goodness, because he is, in fact, the best, and with him out front, their new song “The Bloodthirster” soars. New to the band is Noora Louhimo (Battle Beast) who sings on “Tear of the Goddess”, imbuing the track with real power and mystique.
Both songs are from the upcoming Pentakill album Pentakill II:Grasp of the Undying. No release date has been specified yet.
Pentakill is a music/gaming crossover virtual heavy metal group that originated within the massive, 100 million-player-strong League of Legends international gaming community (based on a line of skins – essentially custom/interchangeable costumes: outfits, animations, voices etc for an existing character – available in the game). The band is backed by a rotating cast of some of today’s biggest and most respected world-class heavy metal and rock musicians, in addition to the stellar music composition and production team at League of Legends’ parent company, Riot Games.
Upon its release in 2014 and with absolutely no traditional promotion – the band’s first EP, Smite & Ignite, went on to debut Top 40 on Billboard and #1 on the iTunes Metal and Rock charts, plus charted top 30 on the overall iTunes charts, in addition to millions of YouTube and Spotify streams.
Three years after the release of Smite & Ignite, Pentakill is gearing up to release their second album, Pentakill II: Grasp Of The Undying. The album showcases the multi-faceted talents of the authentic music professionals and avid production team involved, featuring influences ranging from power metal, NWOBHM, thrash, modern progressive death metal and everything in between – even electronic/industrial.
“The Bloodthirster” features the talents of legendary metal vocalist Jørn Lande (Jorn, Beyond Twilight, Masterplan) and synths by electronic icon Scott Kirkland (The Crystal Method), and “Tear Of The Goddess” features the soaring vocals of Noora Louhimo (Battle Beast). The album features an eclectic mix of some of today’s biggest stars and rising talents in rock and heavy metal – with many more guests to be announced. This is only the tip of the iceberg!
Terri Bleligadelmal / August 7, 2017 1:10 am
Oh so you hear pentakill ?! so glad you know about it. I am addicted to this album man. The mix is good and i like the guitar tone on mortal reminder. So far my fav is frozen heart. And man everybody knows already but JORN LANDE IS A BEAST !! Keep the good work Trey ! Hope to see you soon in another SMG live xD maybe with the Petrucci cosplay hahaha
Terri Bleligadelmal / August 7, 2017 1:13 am
BTW i was looking for the rig they use to record, maybe you could have an interview with them, and talk about their gear