Ever wish you could have three entirely separate distortions going all at once, and all from the same pedal? Old Blood Noise Endeavors has you covered with their spaceship-looking Beam Splitter pedal.
The Beam Splitter offers Gain, Volume, and Tone to shape the amount of distortion, overall volume, and brightness of each drive section. Then there’s a Time knob to introduce delays up to 125mS on the green and blue sections, as well as the option to deviate to randomly vary the delay time. Add on some Decay to add intense filtering or trailing delays and voila – you’ve got yourself some weird distortion.
“Beam Splitter takes one signal and makes three copies of it, each with differing overdrive voices and delay times,” wrote Old Blood Noise Endeavors. “It is specifically our way of creating a huge sound out of a regular one. Output can be kept in parallel mono or split individually to three places. While the goal is singular bigness, you can also find strange filters, flangers, lo-fi vibratos, and trailing slap-back echoes using the delay controls and blending everything to taste.”