Godlyke Distributing (makers of Maxon pedals) announced their new product, the Pivot-All plug, this week, and it looks pretty cool. I’ve always found the straight/angled plug thing to be tough, sometimes one is best and sometimes the other – so why not have both, and everything in between?
Here’s the press release:
A revolution in audio connector design, Pivot-All plugs and cables feature a ¼” shaft that can be continuously rotated over a 180-degree arc, making connections in even the tightest, most limited spaces virtually effortless.
Crowded pedalboards, complicated rack systems, and awkwardly-located instrument and amplifier jacks can now be plugged into with ease thanks to Pivot-All’s patented, swivel-head design.
Pivot-All plugs also help to reduce short-circuits by moving the cable’s stress-point to the plug’s ball joint as opposed to the solder connection.
Sold individually or pre-wired with high-quality Mogami cabling and silver solder, Pivot-All plugs feature gold-plated audio connections to assure the most transparent transmission of the audio signal.
funeraldoombuggy / August 17, 2015 11:12 pm
I was having trouble finding a resonible priced quality 2xright angle 20 foot guitar cable – this might be a good option. Also I’ve never needed a right angle speaker cable. And you should always be wrapping the cable through the handle or something before plunging the cable into the amp anyways.
Evan Klee-Peregon / August 20, 2015 9:40 am
Is it as reliable as a connector with no moving parts? Is it as easy to resolder if it breaks? I doubt it.
Lindsey Rhodes / August 21, 2015 6:37 am
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