Finally the other, more exciting, Mesa/Boogie all-tube bass head has been unleashed. The lower-wattage Prodigy Four:88 has been out for about a month and half, and for, you know, reasonable people, I’m sure it’s plenty loud enough. 250 tube watts are a lot of watts.
We we are metal, and metal isn’t reasonable. The new Strategy Eight:88 earned the back half of its name by featuring eight KT88 power tubes, which combine to produce 465 watts. I can’t think of another bass amplifier with more tube wattage. Actually, with the exception of standalone power amps, I can’t think of another head with more watts, period.
Besides the size, weight, and wattage, the features seem identical to the Prodigy. I’m pretty excited about these amps and can’t wait to try one in person. Check out a few samples in the clips below.