Remember when you first learned how to play drums and it always seemed kind of crazy how you had to cross your arms to play the hi-hat and snare? But you just went with it because that’s what everyone else did, and eventually figured out what some of the advantages are.
But there’s certainly other ways to do things. Megadeth’s Shawn Drover is one of many lefty drummers who plays on a right-handed kit, but uses his left hand for the hat and right for the snare. He runs you through his drum setup in this very obviously Yamaha-sponsored video.
Bretton Melanson / April 25, 2014 4:16 pm
not really an ambidextrous kit
erik / April 25, 2014 8:07 pm
Agreed, Mike Mangini’s kit is a true ambidextrous kit
Mason Stewart / April 25, 2014 10:42 pm
Check out Alex Rudinger’s kit.
xxx128 / April 27, 2014 3:36 am
Shawn Drover is one of the most boring drummers i have ever heard. The difference between lets say gar samuelson and shawn drover is like night and day. Just listen to gar playing “peace sells” live and then listen to shawn do it. The guy is a paid metronome.