LABS has just unleashed their free new VST LABS Obsolete Machines created by Sam Battle AKA Look Mum No Computer. Obsolete Machines was recorded on location at his museum in Kent and includes sounds from the GAMEBOY Megamachine, Sega MegaDrive Synth, and a gargantuan 1000 oscillator Megadrone.
“It was just inside me – the idea of being in a dark museum. I haven’t got a hoarding problem, now I’m a curator,” said Battle.
Obsolete Machines included:
- The Mega Drone – The mega drone with all its detuning capabilities
- Almost In Tune – The mega drone, brought to tune with more oscillators available over modulation
- Transcend – The Transcendent 2000, straight from the museums walls
- 8Bit Blasts – An array of 20 Gameboy DMG classics playing short notes
- A Wall Of Classics – An array of 20 Gameboy DMG classics fighting to stay in tune
- De Rezzed – The Sega Mega machine, FM synthesis at its 12bit finest, hand built by Sam
- Punk Mod – The Sega Mega machine, FM synthesis at its 12bit finest, hand built by Sam
- Formant Bass – A formant Synthesiser, a DIY-kit built by Sam himself
- Attic Dust – A vintage Univox hand-restored from Sam’s Collection
- Barely Functional – A vintage Univox hand-restored from Sam’s Collection