Kemper is back with another, lighter speaker for their Kemper Profiler. Instead of the bulky and powered Kemper Power Kabinet, Kemper has now rolled out their Kemper Kabinet.
The Kemper Kabinet is a lightweight, passive speaker with an exclusive speaker design for the Kemper Profiler with a choice of 19 different speaker characters. On the technical side, the Kemper Kabinet offers a 12″ Kemper Kone speaker designed in collaboration with Celestion, and an extensive speaker tone mining technology using a dedicated DSP algorithm. Kemper further points out that the Kone has been “has been narrowed towards the physics of a classic guitar speaker chassis” to really emulate more of an amplifier sound.
Basically, if you’re familiar with the Kemper Power Kabinet, then you already have a pretty good idea of how this works… just y’know, this time as a passive piece of gear. The Kemper Kabinet will be updated as needed with new technology. You can get one here for $540, as well as other Kemper products like the Kemper Profiler and the Kemper Power Kabinet.