Junius Are Blessed with the Power of ESP

If you’ve caught Junius on their recent tour with A Storm of Light, and if you’re the type of dork, our type of dork, to take notes on the models of guitar that dudes are picking on, then you might have caught that they’re all ESP guys now.


ESP were kind enough to upload a video with the exact models that all the Juniusians are using. Mike Repasch-Nieves is playing a Viper-1000, while his guitar compatriot, and the band’s vocalist, Joe Martinez has himself an EC-1000. Bassist Joel Munguia rounds out the set of 1000s like he rounds out the low end by shouldering a Phoenix-1004. He’s 4 better.

You can catch Junius in May on their next tour, this time with Sólstafir.

Written by

Chris Alfano has written about music and toured in bands since print magazines and mp3.com were popular. Once in high-school he hacked a friend's QBasic stick figure fighting game to add a chiptune metal soundtrack. Random attractive people still give him high-fives about that.

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  • Do you fine folks at GearGods have much experience with the Evertune bridges that are popping up on a lot of ESP models these days? Any comments on how easy they are to get set up properly, and how responsive they are to playing?

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