After teaming with tons of companies over the years and even having his own line of beard products, Dream Theater guitarist John Petrucci has unveiled his new guitar software brand, Tonemission.
PEtrucci is launching Tonemission with the John Petrucci IR Collection: Vol. 1, which as you might’ve guessed is a curated collection of tones that’ll help you get as close as you possibly can to the man behind Dream Theater and Liquid Tension Experiment’s shred. And despite Tonemission being new, you can already hear the technology at work on the man’s latest three records – Terminal Velocity, LTE3 and A View From The Top of The World.
“I’m a tone freak. I’ve always been obsessed with guitar and amplifier tone,” said Petrucci. “For most of my career I’ve only known the world of physical guitar amplifiers and cabinets and admittedly, I scoffed a bit in the past at digital representations of these things. However, with incredible advances in capture techniques and resolution being made over the past several years, I now find myself a believer and a user.”
Petrucci further elaborates that this is only the start for him. “Music is all about sharing sound, and so am I. Almost every basic music instruction book includes the proverb ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.’ The John Petrucci IR Collection: Vol. 1 is the first step for Tonemission and me to bring what I’ve learned to the broadest user base possible. From there, they can find their own sonic visions.”
The John Petrucci IR Collection: Vol. 1 is available here for $80.