I’m gonna be doing a special video soon where I fix YOUR lyrics! All I need from you is the following:

  • a Dropbox link (let me say again: a DROPBOX link, not Google Drive or something else)
  • containing audio files of: your song with the vocals on it, the track without the vocals, a track of the vocals alone, and
  • a PDF with your lyrics and what the song is about

I Fix YOUR Lyrics! 2

If I choose yours to be in the video, you’ll get a FREE enrollment in my upcoming lyrics course!

Written by

As Editor-in-Chief of Gear Gods, I've been feeding your sick instrument fetishism and trying unsuccessfully to hide my own since 2013. I studied music on both coasts (Berklee and SSU) and now I'm just trying to put my degree to some use. That's a music degree, not an English one. I'm sure you noticed.

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