GigCave.com founder Anthony Tedesco sums up the need for his website pretty well: “Musicians have it hard enough today. We created GigCave to give them the tools they need to better control their careers and get paid for doing what they do best. We want to give all musicians the chance to reach their fans, old and new, and to succeed.” A tad vague perhaps, but here’s the skinny – GigCave is a site that provides a FREE electronic press kit for musicians, and with their premium subscription service ($50 for 3 months) they also offer one-on-one mentoring with Grammy winning artists and producers who will give career advice.
So, what makes GigCave different from any of the plethora of other EPK options out there? Aside from being free as the wind blows, their EPK is intentionally limiting. You are only allowed to upload 3 photos, 3 songs, and 4 videos, which allows you to put only your very best foot forward. A producer, label, or talent scout doesn’t want to hear all your 10 self-produced albums, 20 homemade videos, and 400 Instagram selfies with your cat. So this EPK forces you to be very selective, as people viewing it certainly will be.
For more info, head over to GigCave.com or email info@gigcave.com.