If you’re ever wanted to take down buildings with sheer volume, here’s your chance! Earthquaker Devices has teamed up with Sunn O))) for a permanently-present production version of their Life Pedal. Which means that you won’t have to scour Reverb trying to find out, and then emptying out your bank account to actually get it.
The Life Pedal is a distortion pedal with a blendable analog octave up and a booster combined in one compact package. The Life Pedal‘s Amplitude side is faithfully modeled after the classic White Face distortion unit, while the Octave portion of the pedal is what Earthquaker defines as an “all-discrete, analog full-wave rectifier base on a classic vintage design.” And yes – you can use both the octave and boost sides separately if you’re only looking for one specific tone.
Check out a demo below and grab one here for $299.