DSM Humboldt Electronics is here with the Simplifier X to give you seemingly endless options for tones.
The Simplifier X offers a Hot-Rod and and a Classic MK-II side, both featuring all-analog re-creations of all-time classic amplifier models. Better yet, the Simplifier X brings dual FX send/returns for you to integrate as many pedals as you want alongside a trio of reverb modes, dual XLR DI outputs, 1/4-inch outputs with independent Cabsim Bypass, an aux input, and a headphone jack.
To elaborate, the two sides are:
- Amp A, which offers the classic top-boosted chime of AC Brit TB to the gain tones of an MS 800. The Hot Rod channel also includes a re-creation of a modern American tube amp classic in the USA Rod voice.
- Amp B, or the Classic Mk-II mode, which collects three amplifier voicings from DSM Humboldt’s previous Simplifier series pedals: AC Brit, USA, and MS Brit.
Once you’ve picked a side, then you can choose one of three modes of operation – A/B Amp plus A/B Cab, where you swap between your two amp/cab combos; A/B Amp plus Stereo Cab, which allows your cabinets and FX loop remain the same on the Left and Right stereo outputs; or Full Parallel, which allows you to run both of the Simplifier X’s amplifier voices simultaneously.
Get the DSM Humboldt Simplifier X here for $469.