Listen. Almost none of us are gonna be playing stadiums anytime soon. But on the off chance we are, wouldn’t be god to have some stadium-sized reverb handy?
Catalinbread has just rolled out their new CBX reverb pedal that gives you full control over that classic gates reverb sound made popular in the ’80s by Phil Collins and Bruce Springsteen. The CBX offers control over your Lag – the delay between the original note played and the onset of the gate – as well as the Gate, Pre for the preamp, Mix, and the Reverb itself.
“The premise is simple enough: the gate is a function of the signal strength; once the signal level drops below an adjustable threshold, the reverb tail snaps shut,” wrote Catalinbread. “Our CBX recreates this magical symbiosis with an overdrivable preamp, adjustable reverb lag time and a full wet-dry blend. The result is a lovely and expressive “always-on” reverb that stays in its lane and won’t interfere with the all-important mix.”