Boss just rolled out Version 3.2 of their GT-1000 and GT-1000Core, which gives both processors a pretty significant upgrade. The updates include
- Mastering FX: Eleven different Mastering FX allow you to shape the overall sound at the line output for different styles and playing situations
- New Master Delay Types: Five delay algorithms from the historic BOSS/Roland library have been added: SDE-3000, DD-20 Standard and DD-20 Analog, and Warm and Glitch from the DD-8
- More Onboard Speaker IRs for Recording: The speaker IR selection in Recording mode has been greatly expanded with the ability to use “Original” speaker types from different amplifiers
- More Mic Types: A new RBN121 mic type and three mic blend types have been added to the Speaker Simulator block
- EV-1-WL Support: Use the EV-1-WL Wireless MIDI Expression Pedal for cable-free effects control via Bluetooth
Check out an in-depth walkthrough of the processors below, and grab ’em here if you’re so inclined. If you’re unfamiliar with the GT-1000Core, it’s basically the GT-1000 in stompbox form.