I don’t know if you remember Iron Thrones, but they were a great band out of Minnesota. I caught them live a few times, once on tour with Last Chance to Reason, and they always seemed right on the cusp of larger exposure, especially after they won that Scion “No Label Needed” contest. Yet they never blew up, and instead broke up a year or so ago. Maybe a label is needed. Or perhaps we need a more rigorous scientific method for further testing.
Well now their drummer Pete Clarke has a new band called Bill Pulmonary Embolism, and their A Galaxy Consumed – Live in Studio album is seeing a release on April 14th. They’ve taken advantage of the “live” part and filmed playthrough videos for each track. Since my stance on playthroughs is almost always “for” I figured I’d link you guys and gals to their “Undulations of Hatred” video. It was shot, obviously, during the recording session, which took place at SignatureTone Recording, and was helmed by Adam Tucker.
mouseporn / May 1, 2014 3:52 pm
dat spalted Ibanez S series tho
love those things