Bergantino Audio Systems is betting that their new Bergantino Super Pre might lighten your bass player’s load. “Bass players are looking for smaller, more compact bass gear that they can take on the go without compromising their tone,” said Holly Bergantino of Bergantino Audio Systems. “Our new Super Pre fulfils that need. Big 8×10 cabinets are out!”
So what does the Bergantino Super Pre offer? Long story short, it does everything from enhancing your clean tone, to adding gain, to offering a wide range of compression, to the precise control of your EQ, to wielding bold distortions, overdrives, and fuzzes.
“The Super Pre fits in your gig bag, backpack and on your carry on with ease,” added Holly. “Instead of hauling around a number of EQ’s, compressors, overdrives, distortions and fuzzes, this single unit will cover all of that for you.”
The Super Pre also offers memory banks to save tones, all of which are easily recallable through the pedal’s footswitches. I mean, is this thing cool and useful in a live setting? Absolutely. Is it a bass rig killer? I don’t think folks who swear by their amplifiers are going to be rushing to switch. Still, check it out and buy it here for $699.