Well, that’s one way to make sure your invoice gets paid. The Emperor Cabs website has been turned into a plea for the owners to pay their outstanding invoices to their webmaster, and I imagine he won’t be returning it to its original condition until he gets paid. As I have no further details as to the situation behind the scenes, I’m not going to comment as to whether or not this is a wise/professional/morally upstanding move, but I feel that I must point out that it is really funny, and sometimes it takes more than a couple email nudges to get the job done.
The new site says this:
Hello and welcome to the new emperorcabs.com!!!
This is no Hack. I was the web developer/ designer for emperor cabs.
Also, emperortones.com, emperortone.com, emperoramps.com, emperordrums.com, emperorcases.com, and emperoramplifactation.com!!
I welcome you all!!
This is a fine replacement from the poor attempt of a business from before.
I am setting this up because the dumb-dumbs at Emperor Cabs has decided to start doing business again. But they decided not to pay on all their invoices. Instead ignore the people who they owe money to, in hopes it goes away…
Which is funny.
Because I own the sites. Could be bad publicity. Waiting to happen/….
If you want to try to buy the domains, give it a go, eh?
Boys, Pay your fucking invoice. Answer an email. I know I am not the only one you stiffed.
It’s my understanding that Emperor made (makes?) some damn fine speaker cabinets, and I hope that this is just a misunderstanding that will get resolved right away so they can clear their name and continue making the good stuff.
Pay your bills, folks, or this could happen to you!
Donald / October 12, 2017 6:22 pm
Pay your bills faggots
Ryan Carlton / October 12, 2017 10:43 pm
Doesn’t matter… all the talent left and formed Tyrant Tone.