I had a feeling I’d run into something like this, after catching a screening of Gremlins over the weekend here in NYC. But I didn’t expect it’d be this great.
It’s been a while since we’ve done a Find of the Week, but what a way to come back strong. In celebration of the year that Marty McFly arrives, the U.K.-based 4114 Custom Effects has unveiled the Flux Delay, which for you sadly deprived children out there, is inspired by the Delorean time machine from the classic Steven Spielberg-produced, Robert Zemeckis-directed Back to the Future films. Check this bad boy OUT:
This pedal is an analog-style delay, which features a backlit roentgen meter (for keeping an eye on the plutonium level) that reacts to picking intensity and the tail of the delay.  This thing also has a freaking glowing flux capacitor, and an MPH meter set at 88. Check out some more pictures, as well as a brief look at the thing in action, below:
The Flux Delay isn’t for sale just yet, but keep an eye on 4114’s website for when they start releasing them. The pedal will be priced around 200 pounds, according to their Facebook page, which sounds about right for a handmade pedal of this level of craftsmanship. Great work adventure team – let’s keep things going strong in 2015.
suredudesure / February 26, 2015 1:15 pm
it should be for BPM instead of an unadjustable/useless joke MPH