I hope you guys were able to tune in to the MetalSucks podcast last month, when Sergeant D, Emperor Rhombus, and myself discussed the state of modern (underground and mainstream) metal. In case you missed it, check it out below – it’s a lively conversation of the kind that doesn’t often happen, and we want to see more like it!
One of the main points that Sergeant D tried to underscore was the importance of the art of songwriting, and how it is consistently undervalued in the general metalsphere. For the last thirty years or so, technique and technicality has increasingly played a key role in metal musicians’ pursuit of their craft, often to the detriment of their art. In the podcast, we get in to more complicated questions of what “craft” and “art” actually mean, but for the purposes of today, let’s talk about songwriting.
Sergeant D recently gathered a panel of some of modern mainstream metal and punk’s heavy-hitter songwriters at the 2015 APMA conference, featuring Buddy of Senses Fail, Cody of Set It Off, Lzzy of Halestorm, and Dan of The Wonder Years. Regardless of whether you like these bands, this is a great conversation with a group of individuals who value their songwriting craft a good deal. Whether you think of what they do as good art or not is a different question – there’s no denying that these people are all talented at what they do, and you can learn a lot from their insights.
Check out the full round table below:
Sergeant D / August 6, 2015 11:58 am
Thanks for the support, guys!