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Howl at how difficult it
A quest for TOAN
Got Bent? Get Bent!
Feel the wrath of former
R.I.P. Havok's drumset.
Tear it up, break it
This bad boy can fit
Your brain will thank you
Carlos Lozano Quintanilla and Filipe
Don't stare directly at it!
Prepare to mosh and march.
Strauss In The House!
Perphery's a machine that's well
Open your thoughts and join
The ultimate "Phantom Amour" session
Studio docs are best docs.
Tell 'em, Dan!
So many options
What could possibly go wrong?
Barebones for stoner metal tones
Wild times with the Wylde man!
Max spoke with one of the most intense, creative punk bands about how they achieve their sound.
A big ol Belgian waffle of drummy goodness
Justin DeLay of takes the hit Netflix show's soundtrack under the nerd-microscope.
We caught up with Aaron Turner, Brian Cook, and Nick Yacyshyn, to talk about SUMAC's current touring rig.
Rest, Repose, Rigged, Ralliteration
Take a swim in the Rivers of Nihil
Take a bite out of this rig video
Riffs, beards, and gear?
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Holy White Hounds Batman!
Tools of the legends at work!
Not a killswitch to be found in the whole rig.
Grind your teeth on the sweet, chewy rigs of Toothgrinder!