
He'd done a few songs there before, but now at last: "Atlas." Alas, it outlasts the amount of shredding you

A singer in a smokey room. A smell of wine and cheap perfume. For a smile they can share the

Feeling Lost in Consciousness? Maybe you've been trying to navigate the labyrinthine fanned True Temperament frets in this video!

The Dredg drummer likes to keyboard while he drums while he whistles while presumably thinking about more keyboards.

Personally I'd rather Street Fight parliament. I think that would be cooler.

It doesn't look it, but it's actually a very, very evil guitar.

Hump day seems ripe for playthrough videos. You're down in the dumps, slogging away at whatever soul-crushing job you do,

Watch him play through "Tethys," a song from a dark future where all words are unpronounceable.

Martin "Marthus" Skaroupka shows us the scenic sights of Marthus' vineyard.

You might not catch it at first, but pay attention you'll catch a detail that will change how you see

Their feet are certainly everbound to the whammy pedal.

Filmed at Kirk Von Hammett's Fear FestEvil in San Francisco.