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Are you the hunter or
We might be entering the
Molten Giant is the right
January is the month to
They'll help you calculate infinity
And if the guitar you
Across a wide range of prices.
Featuring a ton of cool features.
It'll be back in a new form eventually.
It'll also cost you way less.
It sounds real beefy.
Destroy everything with bass.
Gotta play to win!
It's easier than you think!
Small but powerful.
The LTD Mirage Deluxe '87 is very much a throwback to the end days of hair metal, but still –
Because there's no way you're gonna find one of those.
Featuring Andrea Cappellari.
Impressive AND intimidating!
Seth Blake and Stephen Kluesener both rule.
Plus a demo from Joshua Travis.
As demoed by Keven Eknes.