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Blackened death metal from India.
Riffs as big as the
The only thing sick around
If only Marty McFly could plug this into his gigantic amp
The closest you've come to learning how to play this song
Clip together a dynamic mic and a pencil condenser in perfect phase.
Somewhere far beyond the red mirror, after nightfall, we took a look at guitars and drums and stuff.
German engineering at it again!
Better than YouTube tutorials, still needs some time to grow.
Stay home, and avoid being stabbed over a flatscreen TV!
Use 'Em All
MetalSucks talked to Kurt about recording at the Converse Rubber Tracks studio.
Weirdest coincidence ever
The Mandala Drum V3 System sounds like a monster.
"Wise One" is the last one.
A little jazz for your Thursday.
Forge your kick sound with 120 unique kick drum samples.
Today's feels: "Aphelion"
Learn all of "Do You Know Who I Am" from the band's forthcoming EP "Visceral".