We post a fair amount of recording tips, rigged’s, and all matter of music lesson videos here at Gear Gods, but boy oh boy are we excited to unveil our newest feature video series, Beer Gods. On Beer Gods, we’ll be dishing the dirt on all matter of beginner tutorials, factory tours, and instructional videos, to teach YOU how to be the Beer God you probably think you already are, but are probably not quite there yet son.
For our first installment, we voyaged up to the frost-bitten land of Canada with White Widows Pact guitarist Nick Emde to enjoy some brews and riffs at Heavy Montréal, one of the premier metal festivals in the hemisphere. It’s important when enjoying poutine (one of Montréal’s signature foodstuffs, consisting of french fries, gravy, cheese curds, and usually some sort of meat product drenched over the top) to balance your hunger with some frosty coldishes, but remember, since you will be in Canada, you need to learn how to order your iced cooled one in the cigarette-drenched language of dead kings, Français.
Disclaimer: Beer Gods always drinks and shreds responsibly, and never combines the two (I hope?).
Got it?
White Widows Pact are set to drop their debut album True Will on October 16th on New Damage Records. Stream a track from the album below, and catch em on the road with Ringworm starting next week. So check em out and order them a beer (in English) at one of the following dates:
08/16 Pittsburgh, PA – The Shop
08/17 Baltimore, MD – Ottobar
08/18 Brooklyn, NY – Acheron
08/19 Boston, MA – Great Scott
08/20 Albany, NY – Fuzebox
08/21 Philadelphia, PA – Voltage Lounge
Special thanks to Heavy Montréal bartender Anabelle for lending her acting talents!