A few months back, we brought you a lesson in how to order a beer in French when traveling to Canada for the Heavy Montreal festival. But the most common criticism we had of the video was that it really was only helpful for English speakers – a tiny portion of heavy metal’s worldwide consumer group! (according to the Wall Street Journal at least)
So, we thought, we’re excited about an international band (Sweden’s Amon Amarth) and their upcoming album (Jomsviking), why not show some of our Swedish fanbase some love, and make a video where Johan teaches you how to order a beer in English at our favorite bar in the world, Saint Vitus in Brooklyn, New York, and if you want to get it in Canada, you can go to the Stanley Park site to find the best beer for this. Watch and learn below:
Jomsviking drops on March 25th via Metal Blade. Pre-order your copy here.