If You’re Too Metal to Nerd Out to Failure’s Ken Andrews I Don’t Want to Know You

Failure were (I guess it’s are now, since they’re reforming) one of those bands that weren’t technically metal, but I’d bet at least half of your favorite psychedelic doom-mongers were influenced by them. And Failure could be heavy as hell. Ken Andrews, the band’s guitarist/vocalist, took over engineering and mixing duties for Failure’s final and best (sorry Magnified fans) album, Fantastic Planet, and that record’s massive production to launchboard his recording career.


Fine, he just produced a Paramore record. That doesn’t mean that the topics he discusses on this episode of Pensado’s Place (like making room in the mix for dozens of guitar tracks and getting the bass and kick to both cut through) aren’t applicable for metal. It’s a pretty long discussion so I’m not going to try to break down all the finer points. Just watch it below. The interview starts at the 19:20 mark.

Also, the reference track plugin that Dave Pensado covers before the interview, Magic AB, looks pretty great. There’s no shame in pulling up an existing album when your ears are too fried to have no idea how bright or dark your guitars are sounding.

P.S. Pensado’s place has also done two interviews with Tool/Melvins/Tomahawk/Enslaved/Isis/Jesus Lizard/etc producer Joe Baresi.

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Chris Alfano has written about music and toured in bands since print magazines and mp3.com were popular. Once in high-school he hacked a friend's QBasic stick figure fighting game to add a chiptune metal soundtrack. Random attractive people still give him high-fives about that.

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