In celebration of Metal Month, Toontrack uploaded this footage from last year’s event, featuring Meshuggah. It sounds great, and the video gets you right up on stage in this tiny club. I’m always impressed by how Meshuggah are one of the only bands that manage to make lined-in amp modellers sound good live (I’m excluding groups like Between The Buried And Me and Fit For An Autopsy, both of whom pair their amp modelers with tube power amps and cabs, and sound much better for it).
I’d seen Meshuggah last year on tour with Baroness and Decapitated, and man, I’m still have seizure nightmares from those lights.
Expect some similarly intimate footage from this year’s performer, Soilwork. It will be streamed from Toontrack’s website on November 1st at 11pm CET. We’ll be following Metal Month for the eight new product announcements, but bonus Meshuggah footage never hurt anyone.
Matt Smith / April 3, 2018 10:42 pm
I love going to these metal shows and I especially love the whole vibe of the crowd. Everyone is so aggressive but so loving. It is like you are all their for the exact same cause and you all feel very united. I also love the lighting at these shows and how it doesn’t allow you to see anyone, which puts you in your own headspace.