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Bust out your 8 string
Guitarist Rick Jimenez rocks out
Drummer Ryan Wolf shows you
Now that's what skill looks
Ectopic's Troll
Dreamless my ass - I've
Killer Be Killed
Michael Gira's newest live incarnation
Grindnoise bros doing it live
Pelagic Records' cinematic metal darlings
In which he makes extensive
Longtime recording engineer Bob Clearmountain
JP & co. cut it
With all the cash you'll
Routing, effects, envelopes - it's
You already have everything you
The Way The Riff Goes
Half speed? You decide.
I am the passion; I am the warfare. I will never stop
He's unlocked dual wield
Burning organs wasn't enough
I'm not a hardass, but I do love a hardtail guitar!
Loomis' axes grow ever deadlier with each new model!
Misha provides a tip that will make you a better player!
One of the most misunderstood aspects of playing and recording heavy metal is the concept of the "mistake." As a
They'll leave you feeling like sunday morning
These necromancers are raising classic riff metal from the dead.
Mr Deeds
Add some power to your power chords!
Use Your Illusory
And yes, it's hilarious.