ATER Guitarist JOSH SEGUIN Goes All-Out In This Exclusive Playthrough Of “Duality”

You may know guitarist Josh Seguin from his work in bands like PDP and from rocking the stunning axes of Red Layer Guitars. Now, the California-based guitarist is here with an exclusive playthrough of the track “Duality” from his new project ATER, only right here, on Gear Gods!


This track comes courtesy off the band’s debut album Eternal Gray Sprial, which was released early last year. If you’re a fan of the THALL that bands like Vildhjarta bring, you’re definitely gonna wanna give this your absolute fullest attention, because Josh holds nothing back here.

About the playthrough, Josh had this to say:

“This is a track from my band, ATER. We have a new album in works, and I needed a beastly guitar fitting of the music to record with and accommodate the extreme low tuning we use. Jort (from RLG) and I decided on a baritone 8-string RLG Juggernaut. It turned out insane! It’s a sheer joy to play and I love the midrangey growl it has. Hope you enjoy this test-drive as much as I enjoyed making it!”

And as for the gear used, here’s what Josh is rockin’:

  • Custom baritone 8-string RLG Juggernaut guitar
  • EVH Amp Head
  • Mesa Boogie cab
  • Kalium strings

Be sure to follow ATER on Facebook, as well as to pick up their album Eternal Gray Spiral on Bandcamp.

Written by

Senior Editor at Gear Gods living in LA. Just trying to figure this whole music thing out, really.

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