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Even if your band plays crustened black metal, you probably envy this band's guitar tone.
Because honestly aren't you carrying enough dodads with you already?
And its software, specifically designed to customize the footswitch for Kemper optimization.
I mean he shreds through it. You know, not that he's crying the whole time.
Et tu, Rudess?
He's spending time in Toyko, where even the most common household items are sentient robots.
What's new in Baltimore? We spoke with the man behind the sounds of Magrudergrind, Noisem, Mutilation Rites, Full of Hell,
Seriously, if given the record to record with or sans robot, you're going to pick the robot.
Let's just say we'd like to avoid any ionian entanglements.
Our ability to "fix" modern recordings is in fact ruining said recordings.
Pearl brought back their acrylic drums for a new generation.
And ultimately, to better articulate your melodies.
That headline almost reads like a sentence, doesn't it? Or a command: "Hey bassist, land that fill! You fell behind
But will they capture the mobile DAW market?
I have a friend who always refers to Dimmu Borgir as "Dimmu Burger," and it makes me hungry every time.
In other news, President Nixon has just resigned his post. And who is this Tosin Abasi guy?