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Resurrecting demons with their shred
To-sitar Abasi
Their fate is in your hands. Cast your vote soon!
For when you're sick of banging your head against the wall and you just want to bang your head!
If it's length you're looking for
A jealousy inducing-collection.
Hot on the heels of the release of Superior Drummer 3, the world’s flagship drum programming software, Megadeth drummer Dirk Verbeuren wrote
Featuring members of iwrestledabearonce, and maybe also A BOX OF SPIRITS OOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Electronic or acoustic? Why not both!
Is this playthrough haunted?
Kick off your Monday with heavy jams!
Effects pedal world leader TC Electronic just put out a whole army of new products dubbed the Analog Armada Series
Waluigi would have a field day.
This guitar is V nice!
You had a face before, but not anymore!
Can cheap sound good?
Shave off some dollars and place a bid for this baby!