Hammer Jammer Now Available for Pre-Order Jorder

The last time I was able to make a fun pun like that was this past January, when we first brought the Hammer Jammer to your attention (“Hammer Jammer is a Gamer Changer”). That was fun, watching you all lose your shit and break the internet with comments ranging from irrational hate and rage, to adoration, to claims that it will revolutionize guitar. But such is the way of the internet, and I honestly think that if you have an idea that is awesome and worth doing then you’re going to get a lot of hate from people who feel threatened by it. It’s a sure sign that such a thing is a necessary step forward.


When Ken McCaw invented the Hammer Jammer, he wasn’t looking for an easy payday, or trying to make anything other than a cool new tool to get a different texture out of the guitar. He clearly succeeded in that, as the video below demonstrates the unique sounds you can make with it, but the Hammer Jammer also had a positive unintended consequence: handicapped and wounded people all over the globe found that they could play guitar again. For that reason alone I would support this project, but the fact that it really is an outside-the-box, effective, creative device gives me full confidence in its future success. It’s not something you necessarily need to use 100% of the time, clearly it’s a specialty thing, but it’s CERTAINLY not cheating. If this is cheating, then so is using a pick, or an amplifier, or drumsticks, or anything that isn’t growing out of your body.

Anyway, the news here is that you can now pre-order one. For $60 you can have one in hand around January of 2015, which means you can be slamming your Hammer Jammer by NAMM or whatever.

Click here to pre-order the Hammer Jammer.

I think it’s cool that it makes an electric guitar sound like a clavinet, and an acoustic guitar sound like a hammered dulcimer.

Here’s the blurb from the inventor:

The Hammer Jammer allows guitar players to develop incredible speed and unique patterns, and provides new percussive sounds for the guitar. Ken McCaw, inventor of the Hammer Jammer, who is also a film composer, used the Hammer Jammer on a trailer for a feature film released in Europe about five years ago. From that, interest for this unique invention began to grow around the world. A demonstration video… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyzuzvWme_Y …was posted on YouTube and in January 2014, the video went viral. All 2000 Hammer Jammer samples were sold within a couple weeks, to players in 60 countries, many of them young guitarists beginning their careers. The Hammer Jammer also provides a legitimate and highly useful device for wounded soldiers and other players with arthritis and other issues which make finger picking and standard picking technique prohibitive.

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As Editor-in-Chief of Gear Gods, I've been feeding your sick instrument fetishism and trying unsuccessfully to hide my own since 2013. I studied music on both coasts (Berklee and SSU) and now I'm just trying to put my degree to some use. That's a music degree, not an English one. I'm sure you noticed.

Latest comments
  • It´s sounds fantastic for acoustic guitar

  • For about $10 you have mine

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