Unstoppable Recording Machine Will Help You Mix Super Super Fast

We’re excited to partner with Unstoppable Recording Machine on a project of critical importance.


It’s a scary new world. McDonald’s and Whole Foods are going to be run by robots. There’s an Emoji movie. Spider-Man is British. Illinois’ credit may be downgraded to junk-status. And if that’s not enough, killer Great White Sharks are increasing in numbers and headed for a beach near you. What can you do to steel yourself?

Mix audio super fast, that’s what.

URM, the engineering collective founded by Eyal Levi, Joey Sturgis, and Joel Wanasek, is here to help you do so. These dudes are consummate pros – their clients include Machine HeadWhitechapelJob for a CowboyTraptOceanoThe Contortionist, among others – on the cutting edge of the industry. Joel alone mixes nearly 50 songs a month, so the dude really knows what he’s talking about.

Their new video webinar on Speed Mixing takes you through everything you need to know to compete in the modern engineering world: from workflow to client management, from focused productivity to team delegation. As is always the case with URM, they’ll be working directly with you to hone these skills, providing rare personal access to seasoned pros who work with some of your favorite bands every day.

If you’re an aspiring engineer, you probably know how important those things are. So why not learn directly from guys who do this every single day? Sign up here, but do it fast – Eyal tells me space is pretty limited, and they’re already filling up.

Written by

Max is managing editor of Gear Gods.

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