MYRKUR Talks Guitar, Musical Background With B.C. Rich

Danish one-woman black metal musician, Myrkur (real name Amalie Bruun), spoke to B.C. Rich about her first guitar and impressive musical background.


Myrkur is a multi-instrumental, classically-trained folky black metal dynamo who started playing piano at the ripe old age of 2. There’s enough talent in her to fill at least a dozen crappy lo-fi “trve kvlt” bands of bunglers. And even though Myrkur has immense musical skill, on guitar she started right about where the rest of us did: On a B.C. Rich Warlock. Ok, maybe a lucky few of us avoided the Warlock, but check out the video:

Brief as it is, it’s cool to see a black metal musician talk gear (while also being surrounded by it). The genre isn’t exactly known for being a gear nerd haven, though dark-wizard-turned-prog-geek, Ihsahn (Emperor), has taken some steps in that direction with his Aristides collection. Even still, Myrkur is far from the average black metal project, having more in common with Alcest and Nordic folk than Beherit. What I’m trying to say is, I suspect she fucks with gear nerdism pretty heavy. Yeah, I’m not super convinced either.

Regardless, now you can dig up whatever Myrkur dirt you’d like.

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Gear Gods intern Maxwell studied English at Cal Poly Pomona and has since realized life ain’t all about semicolons and syntax. He’s studying audio now, and will probably judge your music taste before your grammar.

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