Don't miss out!
He's got a Carriere in
Raupatu Raupatu, let down your
Just a boy showing off
Follow the drummer.
Infinite Drumthings
Tips and tricks from the
The Live Ones!
Riffs for days.
Specifically the Boden Prog NX
Belgian-styled thrash for days.
Crazy B. Hindthescenes
Papa Rupert in the house.
The devil is in them
Enter the Heed.
Going down, down, down
Etherius: guitar edition!
Cram more pedals on the
The Great Equalizer
Double down for dead silence!
Improve your knowledge of seconds,
What are intervals, and what
Music theory for everyone! Ok,
No posts were found.
Slinky's Addiction
He may have discovered the heaviest classic tone possible.
St. Vincent the Metallic
A trio of flavors!
One string to rule them all.
Even Gods have origin stories.
Mama mia! Ernie Ball's video series "String Theory" is sort of a magical thing. If you haven't seen it, it's a chance
Toxic masculinity ends here.
...And Winnings for All
Innovator Steve Vai talks to Ernie Ball about his, erm, unique early guitar habits and much more.
Straight from the mind of God.
Modern proggy goodness with a sinister twist.
Wanna try something new - for free?
A delay pedal built into an expression pedal!