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Somebody call a doctor, cuz
Get ready to have a
22 is how many different
This is the house that
Ooo, slimey!
Hard as a diamond, smooth
Pray for Sound run down
Start upping your picking game
Check out a new, free
Watch Josean Orta beat the crap out of his drums during a live performance of "Thank You Budd Dwyer."
Except Buddy Rich. What is this, amateur hour kid? Get it together already? Know how many guys would kill for
Well, I suppose they're also showing off the drums.
An innovative stick bag? Sure, why not?
Scott Pellegrom hangs a lampshade on it like a boss.
Not to knock the band, because they're killer players and what they are playing they pull off perfectly. But what's
And who am I to argue? I'm just some stupid journalist.
In some sort of crude sense, which no vulgarity, no humor, no overstatement can quite extinguish, the physicists have known
Someone needs to show these guys what a frown looks like. Have they never seen a band photo?
The guys were tasked with tracking a song and generating the tones using nothing but Toontrack's software. And their guitars.
He probably skateboards better than you too.
If this ocean's a rockin', don't come a throwin' up over the bow.
Actually there's nothing particularly "meta" about this playthrough video. I just thought that made a good headline.
Which closely resembles the act of playing difficult drum beats quickly
One last hit of NAMM, but DDrum does our job for us this time.
Cross-Atlantic powers unite!