Rigged: Empress AD Guitarist Ollie Loring
A second Rigged on Empress AD, because one is never enough....
A second Rigged on Empress AD, because one is never enough....
Mini is the new maxi....
Yes, a new drummer rigged! Plus, drum mic'ing tips from Baptists' producer Kurt Ballou....
Its drive is <em>professionally</em> tight. Looseness is for amateur hour....
Forget about music gear. Old late '70s/early '80s video effects are cool as hell....
That footswitch can't be easy to step on way back there......
Someone get Marco Ianetta a gig with Sepultura, stat....
I love it when a good plan comes together....
*Not compatible with other products with "360" in the title....
Mike Hill shares his recipe for Savage Gold Prime Riffs....
Because inexpensive doesn't have to mean cheap....
Aren't you curious how to make your own Mad Science a tad more Blotted?...
It watches you while you sleep, whispering in your ear that you were meant for each other....
How'd you like to Gar-see-a his rig?...
Proof that no pedals are needed for badass overdrive bass tone, given that you have the right amp and attitude....