Any fans here of Conquering Dystopia, the don’t-call-it-a-supergroup-of-sorts featuring Jeff Loomis, Alex Webster, Keith Merrow, and Alex Rudinger? While I haven’t had a chance to give their new self-titled record a listen, as a huge Blotted Science and Cannibal Corpse fan, I never pass up a chance to watch a master like Alex Webster at work. So when guitarist Keith Merrow uploaded the following playthrough video for the song “Kufra at Dusk” I obviously pooped my pants. Webster’s right-hand technique is truly insane, and his playing is an interesting fit in a sea of Loomis riffs.
Speaking of Webster, it just occurred to me that Cannibal Corpse may well have invented, or at least brought into the modern era, the concept of the “playthrough video” as a popular consumer product with their clip for “Frantic Disembowelment.” The song was so ridiculous that the appeal of this thing is more about gawking at their technical chops. The video is from way back in 2004 – and it’s also one of the most ridiculous metal videos ever put to tape (film? VHS? who knows?) Thoughts?
hmmm,, / January 21, 2015 6:49 pm
Didn’t guitar magazines used to put playthrough videos on the cds that came in the back of their issues an awful lot back in the late 90’s? That + all the instructional vhs videos out there. I was watching those in the early 90’s when I started playing drums.