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Smooth Hands Dan, With That
Come together right now!
Ola Strandberg, of the Astral
These videos bring together 3 things I love in life; drums, film, and physics. A company called Ultraslo, who specializes in high speed (slow motion) cinematography, shows us what a drum hit looks like at 3000 frames per second. The above video displays the resonant force involved in each and every stroke of the drum that is undetectable to the naked eye, and it is awesome!
Even Ez-ier?
Share your tones!
You too can feel like a millionaire.
Pretty sure this thing does everything.
It rips.
Classic guitars with modern features.
Looks like it'd be pretty useful.
Get your soundscape on.
There are so many key changes.
Phone tones are here.
So far featuring 17 instruments and effects.
It's small and it's a practice amp.
Get your Entombed on.
Unfortunately not cheaper.
The Boden Prog NX 6 and the Neck-Thru Black.
Angular as hell.