Gear Gods

The tiny geodesic dome would have blown the hell up.

This four-part, roughly 60-minute documentary is immensely fascinating, whether you're a fan or not.

It's like the ValHalla for the half-dead corpses of vintage gear.

Bonus interview: Murder Construct's drummer. And Uphill Battle's. And the guy who played with Jesu for a bit. And the

The esteemed Australian distortion pedal manufacturer continues to expand its new amp line.

Highlights include: our interviews with Jason Suecof, Andy Sneap and Dirk Verbeuren, eight new product for metal recording enthusiasts, product

This is the one of the odder rig rundowns I've seen. Stephen Carpenter talks a decent amount of mess on

One Rig to Rule them All is the story of searching for tone. We ask a musician to tell the

A look into the tracking process behind Hubado, the 2013 award winner for "Best Soundtrack to your Abstractly Unraveling Reality."

There's something about the last name "Abbott" I guess.

Also, the perils of poorly researching your interview.

A Q&A with the man behind all of the beats and fills of Toontrack's new Metal! Midi software.

Um, spoilers, don't look at the image.

Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl, but EBMM haven't got a lot to say.