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Ex-Evile guitarist brings the shredding thunder on new solo guitar album.
Now that Phil Dubois-Coyne has left the band, who will take his place?
An amp with a built-in OD pedal!
Periphery's drummer comes dressed for the party AND the rhythm section.
Brooklyn's hardcore heroes drop one of the coolest uses of simple video-making technology via Party Smasher Inc.
Random Number Metal guy returns with an awesome demo.
Smurfing with the alien
This week we're giving away a bag of John Petrucci Signature Jazz III picks from Dunlop!
"The Open Door" is a hilarious watch and sign that things aren't all that different in our industry.
One guitarist. One unedited take. One unreleased song. One mixing job by Keith Merrow.
The only burning regrets I've ever had were cured with some penicillin.
Dan Smith shows off his beautiful custom drums built by the late Jonathan Athon of Black Tusk.
One of metal/hardcore's biggest names will return for another free streaming class in July.
You can pick your nose, and you can pick your friends, but your friends can't pick your pick for you!
Polyponic tuning that clips on to your guitfiddle!
"Specific Meaning In A Group Of Dots"